The New Earth Olympics

is a continuous celebration of the full spectrum 

of human creativity inspired by the original inclusion

of the Arts in the Olympic Games from 1912 until 1952



The New Earth Ascension Rainbow logo is based on the same Earth/Moon proportions found within the sacred geometry groundplans of Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, the Gothic cathedrals of Europe and the biblical City of Revelation, all of which represent models of Mother Earth as sacred, and remind us all that living in harmony with nature is essential for our health, happiness and spiritual growth. The rainbow represents beneficial sounds and images being broadcast at the speed of light to purify a        polluted atmosphere with messages of truth, peace, love                                    and harmony.

The biblical 144,000 relates to the speed of light, travelling around the Earth 6.66 times per second, i.e. a speed of 144,000 minutes of arc per second. 144,000 people with  "God's name written across their foreheads" (Revelation 14.1) are enlightened souls descended from the heavenly realms to establish a bright new age on Earth, here to replace the redundant, godless, money-centred system of putting profits before people with a love-centred culture.that ALWAYS puts people before profits. 500 years ago God ordered all 330 million demigods - the Universal Administrators -  along with their wives and children, now expanded hugely over many generations in every country, to take birth on Earth in order to fulfil the prophetic happy ending to the Bible described in     Revelation 21:

                 A New Heaven and a New Earth

21) Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”











The ever-growing community of podcasters worldwide deserves an opportunity to gain
widespread public recognition. An immense diversity of Digital Arts is now accessible online, with many podcasters sharing their special interests & expertise to a global audience for the very first time. The specialities of Madan Lloyd's London Revelation podcast at are London's sacred geometry and the power of prayer, meditation and singing, especially in groups, which can be amplified greatly at numerous sacred sites all across the Greater London area, whose groundplan corresponds precisely with the biblical City of Revelation:
Baron Pierre de Coubertin established the principle of Olympic Art Competitions,
first presented during the 1912 Games in Stockholm, also named the
‘Pentathlon of the Muses’, with ‘art’ medals awarded in five categories:
architecture, music, literature, sculpture & painting.
The Arts were included in the Olympic Games right up to 1952.
The New Earth Olympics Handbook
First published back in 1990 as "Earthstars: The Visionary Landscape," Chris Street's astounding 300-page masterwork is now re-titled "London - City of Revelation" and is available both as a large format paperback and an e-version from
This book reveals a 400-square-mile Matrix of Creation groundplan covering Greater London, demonstrating something far greater than any human design, and leaving the reader in no doubt that a Great Plan is surely unfolding, with implications for a far brighter future for all of humanity. Extending far beyond London, what is revealed here is also a veritable Megalithic Internet mapped out in stone circles, mounds and monuments by our ancient forebears on every continent, fully tuned in to the Earth's harmonic grid.
"A remarkable book which explores London's spiritual dimensions from a visionary perspective.This book is an initiation into the Earth Mysteries. The Earthstars discovery reveals that London's sacred sites create a vast and complex geometric pattern on the landscape. A temple groundplan. The oldest example of a temple laid out to this design is Stonehenge, whose megaliths were set up 3,500 years ago. So London has its own vast version of Stonehenge, not built with sarsens and bluestones but with the stones of our ancient parish churches, and places like St.Paul's, Westminster Abbey and The Tower of London. According to the author, it is a multi-faceted phenomenon which can be understood in a number of ways: As Earth energies, it is a circuit diagram of the forces of creation at work within the land; the web of life and life-force of the planet. It represents the soul of the city and its spiritual dimensions. It is a "stargate" or planetary chakra through which a new evolutionary impulse of divine energy is being earthed. For those into Christian mysticism, it has remarkable parallels with the New Jerusalem, the City of Revelation, William Blake's visions and John Michell's work.

It's a ground-breaking book. The discovery is the largest, most complex pattern of landscape geometry ever revealed and has been described as the most important Earth Mysteries book since Alfred Watkins' first book on leys, The Old Straight Track."        Starman
New Earth Olympics, founded in 2012 (hence has now grown into a worldwide initiative to restore the Arts to the the Olympic Games, where all the nations of the world play by the same rules in a mood of joyous co-operation. If that can be done for a few weeks every 4 years, then why not apply our creative talents to making it happen 52 weeks a year, every year, for the sake of peace and harmony? Every ancient tradition in the world has prophesied that a time of great transition will come, when a world darkened by greed, fear,  ignorance and environmental pollution will undergo a massive change and an upward shift into a far more enlightened state of consciousness for the greater good of humanity.
That time is now!
When creativity in mainstream education is running at an all-time low (please watch Sir Ken Robinson's now famous TED talk with over 23 million views on YouTube) the New Earth  Olympics, founded in 2012, looks set to redress the balance by bringing together and showcasing the very best of creative initiatives, especially in both audio and video podcasting. While a competitive spirit may bring out the best in the field of sports, friendly co-operation and open, honest communication for the benefit of all is more the spirit of the New Earth Olympics.


What creative category would you like to add for restoring the Arts to the Olympic Games?


Please send your creative ideas for restoring the Arts to the Olympics

in the category of your choice, either as your personal contribution or

your nomination for showcasing the artistic/creative talents of others to:



Don't forget to register your podcast entry!

Please send your podcast name, host name, link, email address, 

and a brief description of what benefits your podcast is

offering and which category it belongs in to:

If you'd like to leave any comments or suggestions,
please visit the New Earth Olympics Facebook page at:
The current no.1 contender for Podcast Olympics Gold
(with over 7.7 million views already clocked up)
in the Transcendental Music category 
is Nitai Gauranga by the Kirtaniyas:

New Earth Olympics

is restoring the Arts to the Olympic Games 

is hosted by Madan Lloyd